
Asylum is a three piece out of Brisbane that offers nothing but breakneck old school thrash – nothing more, nothing less.
From the opening moment, Tyrannicide is wall to wall aggression and neck-snapping violence. There’s no slow songs. Hell, there’s no slow moments, just ripping guitars, rabid vocals and furious drumming as Asylum tear through nine tracks with complete disdain for anything other than a full on thrash metal attack. As it is then, there isn’t a lot of change in the diet from one song to the next; the first real gear-shift is the almost-mid paced title track with its tasteful melody line that quickly becomes a searing lead break into more high-velocity mayhem.
If there’s any diversity, it’s in how fast Asylum can go, and as the album charges toward the end the songs just seem to speed up even more. Insurrection is almost ablaze with some cross-cutting riffs and Sadistic Intent takes its title seriously, ripping along at a Slayer-like intensity.
Asylum are in no way reinventing the wheel here, or, really, anything at all. Tyrannicide is straight-up, fast n’ furious thrash metal. No pretentions, no ulterior motives. These guys are thrash for thrash’s sake, and nothing else.